E was not the easiest and QC really just wanted to color and paint this week. So that is what he did for the most part!!
Painting. Oh how the mess has always given me anxiety. I hate the MESS!.
But quick thinking saved me here. I took a paper bag, cut it open, taped it to the table making sure to wrap it around the edge. Then gave QC some paint on a palate that I also Taped to the bag. He painted with a brush, mixed his colors, finger painted (thank heavens for washable paint!). He asked me to paint so he told me words that begin with E and I wrote them (had to get the lesson in there somewhere!). Then I untaped the paper from the table and taped it to my back door for drying out of reach.
Like I said coloring was a big thing this week. He occupied his time coloring while I did my spring cleaning! Constantly asking for more more more.
The Play dough. I bought this "Tub O Fun" on clearance a while back and we are finally really starting to use it. QC has no issues touching it either which is a big improvement!
Pushing it through the press was a big hit.
Yup he tasted it and did NOT like it!
Mommy had to play so I made him an E- Elephant.
Squeezing it was even more fun!
And our one and only real project this week. A mixture of painting, coloring, and gluing!
I hear E Elbow a lot now and that is awesome. He is starting to hear words and associate the letters they start with and that is a big success for such a little guy!
Next: St. Patrick's Week!!!
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