Monday, January 28, 2013

B week! 1/28/13

Today was the start of "B" week! QC was so excited when I pulled out the new markers and chalk and the new pages in his work book.
   We had Chocolate Chocolate Banana Muffins (with no glaze)  for breakfast. QC and Daddy played ABC Hide and Seek while I got to get some rest. I would then send him for different items starting with "B". Boy, Ball,Block,Bear, Blue. We wrote out a few B words on the chalk board and he told me what letter I was putting and then we sounded out the words. He got so excited seeing his new words. We took out the new markers and worked in the work book. He liked seeing the new B pages and the B songs :) We picked up some ABC flash cards and are just going through them when QC asks for them. They are shuffled and he is so proud of himself when he can name them all!
    After a nap and lunch we did our project from here

Then we got to make a special treat for the week. 

QC was able to help me out and this batter has no egg so it was safe when the inevitable happened and he stuck his fingers in for a taste! 
I adapted the recipe using chunky Peanut butter and used a tablespoon to make the cookies and got 3 dozen! What a fun treat and lots of banana flavor!


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