Monday, August 19, 2013


  Papa Perz helped me come up with a new theme. I was having a block on what I wanted to do. So Robots! Pin board HERE . Homeschool Creations has some wonderful preschool packs that for right now QC is loving! We used the Robot Preschool Pack for this week.  There is currently construction going on along our sidewalks so school was interesting to say the least since QC was more interested in the diggers and dump trucks than in doing his work. We moved school time to supper prep time for the week and this coming week with more construction we will be taking a break and just working with our Tot Book from 1+1+1=1!

The work:
QC loves these puzzles and I am more than happy to let him work on them. He is mastering the glue stick and putting the numbers in sequence.

Writing: This is quickly becoming something QC looks forward to and is getting great at. He still needs mom to steady the pencil when it's more curved letters. I am thinking I need to get shorter pencils for writing time.

I was so proud on how well his did with his R's

Dot paint- Oh how he loves it! He asks to do more constantly. 

We didn't follow the instructions on this one and instead did dot paint on the R's he could find.

Probably a good 8 months ago while at the dollar store I saw these robot erasers. I got them because the might come in handy down the road. They did and were fun for matching, searching for the colors, and counting. I need to get back to the store and find more eraser sets.

Coloring is always a good thing for me to have the few minutes to start a meal or drink my coffee.

This page! I got to teach an impromptu lesson on primary and secondary colors. QC was coloring with his blue and red and noticed the change to purple. So I used this opportunity and showed him how the different colors mix. He was really into this and seeing that little face light up over it was enough to remind me why I am so much in love with homeschooling!

Next week off and then we will be doing a theme on:  The Pond!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Circus Week!!!!

       What a fun week for us!  I was at a loss at what to do for a weekly theme. So I called the husband and he said Circus. I went in search and found some AMAZING things. Pin Board HERE and the main preschool pack this time came from Here at Home School Connections and Here at Confessions of a Homeschooler. QC has been gravitating towards more writing and coloring and less crafts. So I am accommodating as much as I can. I have a few idea's in mind after reading a new post from 1+1+1=1 for tot boxes and I think this may be something we can work with during those times when LT is not wanting to be away from my arms.

        QC has fallen in love with the prewriting exercises so I made sure that we had them every day we did school.

Bingo Paint pictures are also something he loves to do.


We attempted to use scissors this week. He did ok if I held the paper but being the independent boy he is that didn't fly long. We will try again in a month or so.

The glue projects. QC got to try out glue sticks for the first time this week and they were an instant hit. He really liked the no mess aspect and being able to do it all by himself. We did several projects this week with glue. A few puzzles and a category worksheet.

Finally at the end of the week we had a fun day and made a clown!
Pom Poms, googly eyes and some paint. He had a blast dipping them into the glue and putting the hair on there. 

Next week: Robots!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Farm Week

This week we are doing Farm as our theme: See Pin Board HERE.

Dice and Graph was such a hit last week we had to do it again!

I was really impressed with how well he did this one. My help was by asking him which was the small one and then he would stick them on. I was proud of this one.

A few color cut and put together pages. QC loves these and they really come in handy while I am cooking or cleaning. 

This one was hard for QC. I need to get out and find him some left handed scissors soon.

He loves putting the puzzles together. I didn't follow the lines each time since I wanted him to have more of a challenge on putting them together.

Easy week and we are learning together what is best of QC. He seems to love the cut and glue things like these projects best so I am revamping and will start back up in a few weeks. 
Leap Pad 2 Crayola game has been played constantly as QC isn't feeling all that great and I noticed that without my guidance he is finally starting to figure out his colors!