Sunday, July 21, 2013

Silly Monsters!

The Pinboard for this theme is HERE.

  QC is having the scary monsters middle of the night wakings. With me already getting up once or twice a night with LT this is wearing this mom out! So we are going to make monsters fun!

We got our printables from 1+1+1=1 and 2 Teaching Mommies this week.


QC had lots of fun matching his monsters with the dice and filling in the squares! 

Working on pre writing as well. This is Day one practice! 

Shape Monsters! This one was for fun and to help with learning shapes. We counted as QC added the eyes and worked on fine motor skills with the little eyes. QC likes to put things in rows.

And the Dot Picture! He really get's excited for these.

We made a hand monster!
We reused a container to make a Sad monster.
he really didn't like paint and glue on his hands

Mix and Match Monsters!
This one was lots of fun, I colored one of the 3 monsters and QC did the other two. Then I cut them out let him pick how they were to go together and glue them on another piece of paper. LT was having a crying morning so it was nice to have a craft QC could work on by himself (minus the cutting). 
You can get/see the templates HERE 

We did school in the living room today as it is a bit warm in the kitchen where we normally do it. Love the flexibility of homeschooling!

We made monsters with play dough.

TP roll monsters. 

Working on sorting sizes. QC did really good at this one. 

Next Week: Farm Animals!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ocean Theme

First our Pinboard for this theme is HERE
   We took two weeks since we had a holiday and several other family things come up. Didn't get as much as I would have liked done but QC spent two weeks telling me that O is for Octopus, J is for Jellyfish, S is for Sea Turtle and Shark, and Sea horse, so he is learning!

      We are starting to do some pre-writing exercises and so far QC is loving it!

From this I realized that hey putting these in page protectors and dry erase markers will save me lots of paper and let him practice more. 

We made some Toilet Paper tube Octopuses. QC got to paint to his heart's content and then we let them dry cut the legs and put on a smile. He carries these all over the house now and plays with them. Very successful project I have to say.

We made a Jelly fish in a bottle which my picture doesn't do justice so I am going to post  a picture from the page I got the idea. My pinterest board linked above has the link with directions.

A Colorful Sea Turtle was next for projects! QC really liked dipping the tissue paper into the glue and sticking it on. It's not exactly the way I pictured it but most crafts by a toddler aren't perfect, that's what makes them unique and perfect in a mother's eye.

Then we took a break for the 4th of July! We went to a large Parade on the 4th, the 5th we went to the zoo for LT's first time and then did fireworks. It was a busy busy weekend and lots of fun!

QC's favorite thing that wasn't a Fire Truck.

LT pretty much slept the entire 3 hours we were out at the parade.

QC enjoyed himself so much and loved getting candy thrown at us.

They were so ready to go home!

QC, LT, and Mama at the Zoo!

QC in his Jammies ready to watch the Fireworks. 

LT with Daddy!

QC with his very first Sparklers!

Now that the weekend was over to stayed home and relaxed. We were worn out! We took it easy and did lots of coloring and some painting.

These Pictures which you will see lots of in the coming weeks are from 1+1+1=1. They are Q-Tip Letter painting and QC was in heaven with them! I printed out the entire alphabet for him and downloaded it to use again many times. 

I finally remembered to pick up the Bingo Markers! QC LOVED working with this and I know this is quickly going to become a favorite in our home.

This past week was also our county fair so we got to go see all the farm animals (4 H is huge here) and had our yearly funnel cake YUMMY!
Ready to head out!

The big chair! It is going to be neat to see how big they are on this next year!

This coming week: Silly Monsters
We are hoping that showing QC that monsters are happy and silly he will not be afraid of them anymore!